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Edited by
Felix Jesus Villanueva
Edited by
Soha Maad
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Sílvio Manuel Brito
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Theophile Theophanides
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Bishnu Pal
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Arun Shanker
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Sylvie Manguin
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Alexander Kokorin
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Salih Salih
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Kenji Suzuki © 2022 IntechOpen. In humanoid robots it is used to recognize objects and determine their properties. 37
Robots can be configured as collaborative robot and can be used for rehabilitation of users with motor impairment. Attention • Leo’s attentional recommended you read computes the level of saliency (interest) for objects and events. • Create robots that play a role in the daily lives find this ordinary people.

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Proprioceptive sensors sense the position, orientation, and speed of the humanoid’s body and joints, along with other internal values. For any assistance during ordering process, contact us at orders@intechopen. two-dimensionalbehavior mark-up languagefunctional magnetic resonance imagingfocus of attentionfield of viewhuman–computer interactionHRI operating systemhuman–robot interactioninteraction agentinteraction unitMarkov decision processopen agent architectureout of fieldpattern-based mixed-initiativepartially observable Markov decision processRobotics Science and Systemsspatial reasoning agentextensible markup languageCorrespondence to
Bilge Mutlu . 111 Humanoid robots that are depicted as good for society and benefit humans are Commander Data in Star Trek and C-3PO in Star Wars.

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35 But it also revealed that even though that the robots are ready to be used, they do need human assistants, they cannot replace the human work force but they can assist them and give them new possibilities. As a result, this presents a potential threat to the people who work in the same workspace. 38
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) have the potential to assist search and rescue work in wilderness areas, such as locating a missing person remotely from the evidence that they left in surrounding areas. , mixed signals, sarcasm).
There are several books available that specialise on Human–Robot Interaction.

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To maintain dynamic balance during the walk, a robot needs information about contact force and its current and desired motion. , entering our homes, scenarios may arise where robots can collaboratively share control, co-ordinate and achieve tasks together. • Leo’s belief system gets input (visual, tactile information and speech) and merges this information into a coherent set of beliefs. By combining the information inferred by proprioception, sensor and speech the human position and state (standing, seated).

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• Although this is far from scientific, it is suprisingly useful (Dennett, 1987). That means that design thinking is not only for designers but also for creative employees, freelancers, and business leaders. • The practical and biological implausibility of 3 camera systems, especially an overhead camera. .